Thursday, 26 December 2013

a bit of an update

I can remember where I was when my previous photo on this blog was taken - in the back garden when I was visiting my new grandboy who was a week old - he is now three and a half! I also felt it was time for a new layout.
We usually have a quiet Christmas but this year the run up to Christmas was even quieter.
A bug has been going around our village with many people saying they have the flu - but those who have previously had the flu know that if you can get out of bed to pick up a twenty pound note outside - you have not got the flu!
I could get out of bed and could do a certain amount but having pushed myself to go to a conference at the end of November and instead spent the day in bed in a hotel room. I then knew I had to cancel everything and get better.
So I didn't go to the Book Club Christmas party, the Rural Churches Advent service, the village Christmas fair, the Coffee Club Christmas dinner or visit two grandboys. But my biggest disappointment was to miss the funeral of my cousin who died one day short of her 58th birthday from MS. 
I last saw Judith seven years ago when I took my Mum up to mid Wales to meet with Judith and my Aunt. In her younger days Judith learnt to fly and when we met up was still able to drive but needed to use a wheelchair to get around as did my Mum. The four of us had a very giggly lunch together and then my Aunt in her 70's suggested that we had a race back to our cars but we did manage to control ourselves and push the wheelchairs and their occupants back in a respectful manner!
We are secure in the knowledge that Judith is now free from all pain, with her Dad and wonder if she can now fly without the aid of an aeroplane!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Sarah and Paul 25 years ago

I met her in the summer
she was beautiful
Some said she knew it
Sarah was American
with long curly auburn hair.

I met him in the autumn
I called him, her beloved -
they talked of marriage.
Paul was American -
so handsome.

During the autumn months
we shared many moments.
Watching a fashion show video,
talked about we should wear,
Discussed the Last Temptation of Christ
Laughed together while dressing up
Exchanged ideas over meals.
How funny they were taking the mickey out of Jim and Tammy Baker.

They flew home for Christmas
They have been front page news for the last week.

They loved Jesus

They live on in my memories,
in my photograph album and on my video, 
modelling and acting on a Christmas Celebration -

"Hello Jesus - Let me introduce myself"

written 29th December 1988