Our nearest town is about five miles away where the churches are very active during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, but we do have a very good relationship with our local Anglican Church just a mile from our Chapel.
We get together every year for a joint service, usually held in an evening but last year we had to cancel because the weather was so bad. As both congregations are getting older we opted for an afternoon service this year and although it was at the Anglican Church our Chapel was asked to provide four readers.
We had a good size congregation with Baptists outnumbering the Anglicans by at least two to one! and I felt quite honoured to be asked to join the Vicar at the end of the service to say a blessing.
As well as some of the Anglicans joining us for our Bible Study, we meet each other at the weekly Coffee Morning in the Village Hall, at the monthly Village Women meeting, and at the occasional Book Club meetings, and relationships are forming and growing outside the Church as well as inside but it is so very special to be able to worship together.
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